How Can Our Services Help You?
Home Safety Assessments
Have you or a loved one fallen in the home? Are you having difficulty with accessibility in any part of the home? For example, getting into and out of the shower or front entrance? Do you worry you may have to transition to an assisted living environment?
Even if you answered no to all three questions, a home safety assessment can benefit you by teaching you how to optimize your safety and prevent falls from happening. Tara will identify home solutions that are individualized for you. Your comprehensive evaluation will assess not only your home but many personal factors such as balance, strength, endurance, range of motion and any other factor which may impact your safety and performance in daily tasks.
Caregiver Training
Many caregivers out there are overwhelmed or lacking resources to be able to provide assistance for everyday care of their loved ones. This can become even more difficult if that individual's health continues to decline and present with evolving challenges.
Here are a few common examples demonstrating how we can help:
Transfer training - getting into and out of bed, the bathtub, etc...
Dementia care training
How to modify daily activities and routines to maximize independence and safety for both the individual and caregiver
Neurological Rehabilitation
Whether struggling with a new neurological diagnosis or dealing with new challenges from exacerbations or a progression of symptoms, we can help! Conditions like Parkinson's Disease or Parkinsonism, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, or a stroke can compromise your balance, body awareness, posture, coordination, cognition, and much more.
Tara has extensive experience helping individuals address these challenges using evidence-based research. She also takes the time to perform a truly holistic and comprehensive assessment while working with you to identify the best interventions for these often complex symptoms.
Chronic Disease Management
Symptoms of Diabetes, Hypertension, Sleep Disorders, Pain Syndromes, Lymphedema, or Cardiopulmonary Diseases can make every day tasks a challenge. Fortunately, recent research suggests that the debilitating symptoms of some of these conditions can be significantly reduced with the proper interventions. We are passionate about learning the ever evolving science which points to the best outcomes to help you make real and sustainable improvements to your health. We will discuss your priorities and create a truly individualized plan to navigate these challenges and maintain your independence.
Assistive Device or Medical Equipment Assessment and Training
It can be costly and frustrating to trial different devices or equipment like a wheelchair or tub bench only to find that you are unhappy with the results. If you or a loved one is considering the need or benefits of a particular device, we can help to determine the most appropriate item to meet your needs and preferences. Tara will help you find options and educate you on what your insurance will or will not cover.
Some examples of equipment or mobility devices might include:
Manual Wheelchairs
Power Wheelchairs/Scooters
Walkers, Canes
Bed Safety Devices
Grab Bars
Commodes, Tub Benches
Wellness Programs
A Wellness Program is an individualized program for you which can be:
Supplemental to your covered therapy including interventions that are science-based but not yet covered by your insurance plans. Unfortunately, many plans do not yet cover preventative services despite the abundance of evidence demonstrating successful outcomes. You may also choose to have therapy more frequently than what is recommended.
An optional program to transition to once insurance benefits or coverage has been reached. Certain maintenance therapies are covered by insurance while others are not. We will discuss what you would qualify for in order to ensure that you maintain the gains made in therapy.